lack of conversation
Heddy Boubaker cs066
This is far from music, this is technico/poetic sound work, kind of ; this is far far from telling stuff or stories, no pictures, no landscape, no visions, this is a travel to anyone's imagination ; this is improvised but this is not ; this is a deep exploration of the nonsense, this is not a catalog of any, so called, advanced technique with the instrument – at least this should not be ; this is unformatted, this is indeed not formatted ; this is not a saxophone record, this is a record of inside - or maybe around too - the saxophone ; this is me, my body, the saxophone, cans of beer and a pair of pretty good mics ; this is my gift to your ears and I hope they will enjoy it, this is it whatever it is ! A print of spacial breath into organic wet cavities ... Heddy Boubaker, August 2005