urban landscapes I tried to capture and document environmental audio
associated with Urban Cork City.
We live in a world where our perceptions of sound and image are coloured
by the audio we are listening to on our ipod or whilst we are conversing
on our
blackberry, but urban audio is a gem that has a cultural significance
reflecting our identity
and is a historical audio snapshot.
What I'm trying to portray has been animated by audio processing to give
an ambient
dimension to the sound images.
Shandon is a soundpiece where I try to capture an aural image of walking
through Shandon,
visiting The church, the bells, reflecting on the Roof over looking the
city, meditating in the clock tower and walking back down shandon street.
Creating a picture of life in a historic part of the city.
Echo is a piece where the Echo boys (street newspaper vendors) voices
are manipulated and processed against an ambient backdrop of Patrick St.
This is influenced by American composer
Steve Reich, whom inspired me for many years with his tape pieces Come
Out and Its gonna rain
I was also influenced by the systems used in Stockhausens Licht cycle.
There is a call and response scenario being developed. It is important
to distinguish the subtle contrast between the Echo boys, one of the voices
is earthy, perhaps the soul of Cork and implicit in the other voice is
a more refined boy soprano texture.
What is it like to walk down Patrick St in this post-Celtic tiger era
hearing the different dialects/languages/colloquialisms, sounds of commerce,
sounds of social activity, cultural/music sounds and the banks of my own
lee recited by 22 different people from all nationalities domiciled in
The title is a wordplay on Pana, colloquial term for Patrick st and panoramic
alluding to our aural interpretation.
The Stonecutter
The Stonecutter is a petite homage pour Seamus Murphy, one of our greatest
Cork is adorned with ornate Stonework. I recorded a stonecutter working
with stone
and used the rhythm of his work, texture of stone and activity of his
space to create a
soundpiece with an ambient soundscape around it
I also composed a poem the Stonecutter, which Gokcen Dilek Acay from Istanbul
recited for me,
I edited/processed it and inserted this in the piece, Bjork couldn't have
done it better, her fragile voice is the perfect contra balance to the
perfection of the craftsmans precision.
The Stone
The Stone Cutter works by day by night , in another world that displays
his plight, his passion he carves, cuts and cleans images, symbols and
other scenes.
Saints with Sinners upon Glebe ascending
Gargoyles and heraldry on urban appending
Granite, limestone and marble his muse
in his hands he morphs with enthuse
In masons apron, chisel to hand connecting in a
way we try to understand.
A tactile experience, granular aroma, striking the stone sonically soma.
The stone cutter worketh by day by night, conjuring, creating monumental
Mark O'Leary