Die Trockene Familie |cs290
Finally, Die Trockene Familie is one of Creative Source's latest releases for 2014, and its core is the trio from the album Excerpts from anything (Tang, Zoubek, Muche — the former two from Joe Hertenstein's Crespect album), which I discussed here way back in April 2012. (I said one could hear the "animation of artifact" in an empty interior expanse.) The trio is supplemented by Sven Hahne (b.1978) on programming & Christian Thomé on percussion to form Nanoschlaf, an ensemble with a multimedia focus. The latter again makes Die Trockene Familie something of a soundtrack, and one must imagine projected video & movement. The music often has the character of gamelan, and indeed gamelan invokes the unity of human & natural activity (especially dance), not only in music. It's an interesting album, even if it begs for a stage show, highlighting just how different some of these Creative Sources releases can be. Todd McComb (medieval.org) |