Przenosimy si? do Holandii. Na studiu nagraniowym 2/3 power improv trio Albatre (Hugo Costa na saksofonie altowym, Philipp Ernsting na perkusji) w towarzystwie gitarzysty Josué Amadora. Swobodna improwizacja pod nie byle jakim szyldem Anticlan i prawdziwie eksplozywnym tytu?em. Dodajmy, obok wybuchów wulkanu, czekaj? nas tak?e powolne strumienie stygn?cej lawy.
Sze?? niebywale intryguj?cych opowie?ci, zbudowanych przez dobry, uwa?ny, g?sty drumming, gitar? z pr?dem, lontem do silnie avant-rockowego brzmienia i ze szczypt? zdrowej psychodelii pomi?dzy strunami, wreszcie saksofon altowy, który ?wietnie si? z nimi komponuje, cho? nie ma zwyczaju wychodzenia przed szereg. Dalece swobodna wymiana d?wi?ków, lekko zaczepiona w estetyce free jazzu, niestroni?ca od rockowych emocji, p?yn?ca szerokim strumieniem od ciszy do ha?asu i z powrotem.
Drugi i trzeci fragment skrzy si? pi?knym, wr?cz medytacyjnym klimatem. Uroda gitary eksploduje – minimal deep improve! Amador nie waha si? wkracza? w post-industrialn? estetyk?. W czwartym ro?nie poziom decybeli, kind of true power trio. Znów gitara wywo?uje wytrysk endorfin u recenzenta. Gdy zamilknie, para sax & drums pi?knie ucieka we free jazzowy galop. Costa ma tu swoje pi?? minut i perfekcyjnie z tego korzysta. W kolejnej piosence powraca quite stream, zdobiony ornamentami pulsuj?cych strun, przedmuchanych dysz i konwulsyjnej pracy werbla i tomów. Sporo rockowej ekspresji, tu zbyt gwa?townie wyciszonej. Fina? umila nam aktywny drumming, wokó? którego koncentruje si? niespokojny alt i szklista gitara. ?wietna p?yta! Trybuna Muzyki Spontanicznej (Andrzej Nowak)
“Volcano Hour” is the new release of “Creative Sources”. Album was recorded by Hugo Costa (alto saxophone), Josué Amador (guitar) and Philipp Ernsting (drums). These three improvisers are also known as trio “Anticlan”. The music is active, bright, dynamic and modern. It’s filled with extraordinary musical decisions, strange timbres, eclectic and conceptual combinations of styles, shocking dynamics, expressive and rich musical language, harsh, vibrant and tremendous solos, powerful blow outs or other similar elements of musical language. The music of the trio is an asrtsy fusion of avant-garde jazz traditions, excerpts of famous 1960’s experimental jazz pioneers and the most famous figures, the newest tendencies and fresh, innovative and outrageous musical experiments. Impressive synthesis makes an effort to whole sound – “Anticlan” compositions are simply gorgeous, innovative and bright. Each musician has its own, original and dynamic playing style, organic and modern playing manner and exceptional sound.
“Volcano Hour” is fulfilled with interesting, multi-layed and rich musical pattern, evocative musical language, fascinating instrumentation – these major elements make an effort to remarkable, innovative and bright sound of this album. The stylistic variety is huge and made from many different pieces. The musicians have their own point of view – they want to search for new timbres, extraordinary combinations, rhythmic and instrumenal compilations and experiment in other ways of musical language. That’s the main reason why each of them doesn’t hesitate to expand traditional technical abilities of their instruments, fuse uncompairable music styles and streams or dive into turbulent, bright and electric collective improvisations. The music is based on avant-garde jazz and free improvisation. Basics of these music styles are heard firmly and remain solid and bright all time. It’s also fused together with other styles, genres and streams – experimental jazz, contemporary and traditional jazz intonations, academic avant-garde, experimental music and its streams. Immense synthesis of these various or totally different music styles is making a huge effort to whole album. Saxophone improvisations by Hugo Costa are bright, active, luminous and turbulent. His improvisations have solid and independent melodic and rhythmic section, evocative instrumentation and bright, multi-layed and colorful musical pattern. Vigorous, passionate, moving and remarkable melodies are gently and colorfully illustrated by dozens of strange timbres, outrageous, innovative and specific ways of playing, ornaments, rapid and charming passages, animated and speedy glissando and vibrant, powerful, loud and harsh blow outs. Fusion of huge variety of expressive and modern musical language elements makes a remarkable, passionate and vital mood of the compositions. Josué Amador playing is dynamic, active and suggestive – moving guitar solos are blended together with aggressive bursts of energy, energetic and touching melodies, strange timbres and fascinating musical experiments. Improviser fuses together free improvisation, expressive, vital, vivacious and remarkable sound, passionate solos, dozens of different playing techniques, expressions, dynamics and othrt elements of musical language. There’s also heard some intonations of avant, alternative and other styles of rock. Improviser passe through contemplative and spft pieces, relaxing and peaceful improvisations, abstract solos and goes straight to bright, expressive, luminous and turbulent free improvisations. These compositions also have some elements of contemporary academical music – many ways of playing, who are typical at academical music and academic avant-garde styles, are used here and joined with experimental and specific ways of playing. Philipp Ernsting drums section filled with unusual timbres, colorful and remarkable musical decisions, passionate and terrific solos, splendid and impressive riffs, roaring drum rolls, charming and energetic explosions or relaxcing and silent solos. Drummer is the master of tremendous and spontaneous mprovising. He fuses together absolutely different, uncompairable and conceptual musical language elements and make them to connect into one common musical pattern. The music of this album has gorgeous, colorful, vital and expressive sound – it’s made by three outstanding, virutoic and talented jazz masters. Avant Scena
Conhecemos o saxofonista alto português Hugo Costa e o baterista alemão Philipp Ernsting dos Albatre de Gonçalo Almeida, trio de jazzcore que, como este, está sediado em Roterdão. Com os Volcano Hour encontramo-los num contexto bem diferente, e não só porque o terceiro elemento é o guitarrista Josué Amador, outro músico migrante, no seu caso vindo do México, que escolheu a Holanda como país residente: as coordenadas deste “Anticlan” são as da música livremente improvisada (em Albatre, a composição – pela pena de Almeida – é um factor determinante).
É certo que o jazz e o rock continuam a ser elementos chave, com Costa e Amador, sobretudo eles (Ernsting aplica-os a ambos apenas de passagem, preferindo o desenvolvimento de um labor textural em que se revela altamente eficaz), a fazerem um generoso uso desses referentes idiomáticos, mas os ditos são continuamente desconstruídos até nos proporcionarem um paisagismo contemplativo, abstracto e “moody”, mesmo nos momentos mais suaves forjando uma atmosfera algo inquietante. O nome do grupo faz justiça à música que propõe, pois o que vem neste disco é a calma que precede o explodir de um vulcão. O tipo de abordagem permite os jogos de dinâmicas e as subtilezas que não são possíveis com a intensidade e a densidade sonora dos Albatre, revelando-nos ainda algo mais que é importante registar: designadamente, as capacidades saxofonísticas de Hugo Costa, que ficam aqui completamente aclaradas e são mais do que muitas. Rui Eduardo Paes (Jazz.pt) |