Albert Márkos | 1967 | Budapest | Hungary









He started (but did notcomplete) classical music studies at the Music Secondary School and the Music Academy.
Between 1988 and 1992 I worked in different orchestras in Transylvania (The Philharmonic Orchestra of Marosvásárhely, The Symphonic Orchestra of Kolozsvár and the Concordia Chamber Orchestra.)
In 1992 I broke with classical music, and since then I have tried to find new goals for my work as a performer and composer, as well as to develop my sensitivity towards new media.Since 1993 I have been living in Hungary, pursuing a career as composer for theatre film and dance productions.

Film Off Hollywood - director: Hajdu Szabolcs musical dramaturgy, composer 2007

Méhek tánca – director: Mispál Attila musical dramaturgy, composer 2007 Taxidermia - director: Pálfi György musical dramaturgy, composer with Amon Tobin 2006 Csodálatos vadállatok -director: Török Ferenc composer with Balázs Zságer 2005

A fény ösvényei - director: Mispál Attila musical dramaturgy, composer 2005
Felmento½ levél - director: Kántor László musical dramaturgy, composer 2002
Papagáj - director: Nemes Gyula musical dramaturgy, composer 2000
Virrasztás - director: Nick Thorpe musical dramaturgy, composer 1997
*Samuel Beckett: Words and Music - d. László Keszég, Theatre and Film
Academy - Budapest
*John Whiting: The Devils - d. László Keszég, National Theatre
*William Shakespeare: Titus Andronicus - d. László Keszég, Csiky
Gergely Theatre, Kaposvár
*Frank Wedekind: Marquis von Keith - d. László Keszég, Csiky Gergely
Theatre, Kaposvár
*Pont Workshop: A long Day - d. László Keszég, MU Theatre, Budapest
*Tankred Dorst: Herr Paul - d. Tamás Ascher, Katona József Theatre,
*F. X. Kroetz: Der Drang - d. Tamás Ascher, Thália Régi Stúdió,
*Venedict Jerofejev: Walpurgis Night - d. László Keszég, Csiky
Gergely Theatre, Kaposvár
*Pont Workshop - Lépéshiba - d. László Keszég, MU Theatre, Budapest
*Pont Workshop - Látnokok - d. László Keszég, MU Theatre, Budapest
*Witold Gombrowicz: Operettka - d. László Keszég, Csiky Gergely
Theatre, Kaposvár
*Hamvai Kornél: Hóhérok Hava - d. Tamás Ascher, Katona József
Theatre, Budapest
*William Shakespeare: Loves' Labours' Lost - d. László Keszég,
Vígszínház, Budapest
*Anton Pavlovics Csehov: Platonov - d. Gábor Rusznyák, Csiky Gergely
Theatre, Kaposvár
*Anton Pavlovics Csehov: Three Sisters - d. Radoslav Milenkovic, Gárdonyi
Géza Theatre, Eger
*Szép Erno½: Vo½legény - d. László Keszég, Csiky Gergely
Theatre, Kaposvár
*AIOWA - The Piper - MU Theatre, Budapest
*William Shakespeare: The Taming Of The Shrew - d. László Keszég - Örkény Theatre, Budapest
*William Shakespeare: Twelfth Night - d. András Dömötör - Örkény Theatre, Budapest
*Marina Carr: A Macskalápon - d. Radoslav Milenkovic - National Theatre, Budapest
*Pont Workshop - In Vitro - choreographer: Nina Umniakov, MU Theatre,
*Vágóképek - choreographer: Attila Egerházi, National Ballett, Pécs
*Diagonals - choreographer: Attila Egerházi, MU Theatre, Budapest
*Játékterek - choreographer: Attila Egerházi, National Ballett, Pécs
*Kinesphere - choreographer: Andrea Nagy, Trafó, Budapest
*Véletlen - choreographer: Réka Szabó, MU Theatre, Budapest
*Habcsók - choreographer: Gyula Berger, MU Theatre, Budapest
*Lomtalanítás - choreographer: Réka Szabó, MU Theatre, Budapest
*Karc - choreographer: Réka Szabó, MU Theatre, Budapest
*Alibi - choreographer: Réka Szabó, Thália, Theatre, Budapest

I am a member of the Tilos Rádió - Budapest, and music programmer of MU
Theatre, Budapest.
I am a member of the currently active performing groups: Pont
Workshop, Tractus and leader of Budbudas.