Christian Wolfarth | Zurich | Switzerland









"Ersatz ist besser" Duo-CD with Franz Aeschbacher (ArcheZ, 1992)
"3-3-2" Solo-CD (Percaso Production, 1996)
"Circle & Line" Duo-CD with Donat Fisch (Unit Records, 1999)
"Momentum" with John Wolf Brennan and Gene Coleman (Leo Records, 1999)
"Momentum 2" with Brennan, Coleman and Alfred Zimmerlin (Leo Records,
"Momentum 3" with Brennan, Bertrand Denzler and Christian Weber (Leo
Records, 2002)
"Mersault" with Tomas Korber and Christian Weber (Quakebasket, 2005)
"Drumming" with Jason Kahn and Günter Müller (Creative Sources, 2005)
"Wolfarth Solo" (For4Ears, 2005) in preparation

He studied with Billy Brooks and with Pierre Favre and in contemporary composition with Siegfried Kutterer.
Since the middle of the 80th's he's involved in different styles of jazz and improvised music.
Collaborations with: John Butcher, Gene Coleman, Bertrand Denzler, John Edwards, Donat Fisch, Christoph Gallio, Malcolm Goldstein, Michael Griener, Charlotte Hug, Jason Kahn, Hans Koch, Tomas Korber, Annette Krebs, Urs Leimgruber, Paul Lovens, London Improvisers Orchestra, Werner Lüdi, Albert Mangelsdorff, Michael Moser, Günter Müller, Andrea Neumann, Lucas Niggli, Evan Parker, Lè Quan Ninh, Alexander von Schlippenbach, Martin Siewert, Günter Sommer, Irène Schweizer, Michael Thieke, Phil Wachsman, Christian Weber, Alfred Zimmerlin and many others.
Regular works with dancers

"Circle & Line" with Donat Fisch
"Schweizer-Wolfarth" with Irène Schweizer
"Picard-Wolfarth" with Simon Picard
"Mersault" with Tomas Korber and Christian Weber
"Leimgruber-Weber-Wolfarth with Urs Leimgruber and Weber
"WWW" with Michel Wintsch and Weber
"Kahn-Müller-Wolfarth" with Jason Kahn and Günter Müller
"Wiesendanger-Studer-Wolfarth" with Chris Wiesendanger and Daniel Studer