passion to play, in the mere sense of the word, a craving for music which
leads to embrace all kinds of music, unbiased and unrestrained.
A self-taught formation in the beginning and then the CNSM of Paris and
the IRCAM make him discover chronologically rock, classical music tradition
and the "contemporary" music. Of course, jazz deeply influences
his way of playing drums, more and more pushing him to free improvisation.
A band which allows him to gather all the forces that lead him and let
him discoveer improvisation : Shubniggurath, first record in the 1990
Since then, many projects :
- duets Calx with jean-luc Guionnet and Big with Frederick Galiay
- an improvisation quintet Hubbub
- a trio, Das Kapital with Daniel Erdmann and Hasse Poulsen
- the indian music he learns with Biplab Battacharya in Calcutta
- around 30 records on various european and american labels
- drummer, composer, improviser and researcher believer of self-denial
a claimed evolution where everything has to be possible.