Jeff Arnal | USA








"Percussionist Jeff Arnal's balletic sense of time and imaginative deployment of color have combined into a highly original concept." (The Wire) Arnal frequently performs and collaborates with a wide range of musicians and choreographers in the U.S. and Europe. He studied music at Bennington College receiving his MFA in 2000. A native of Georgia, Arnal moved to Baltimore, MD in 1991 to attend the Peabody Conservatory and later study composition with Stuart Saunders Smith. In 1994 he began making short films at the University of Maryland receiving a BA in Interdisciplinary Studies. He has received grants and fellowships from Meet the Composer and Art Omi International. In February of 2007 his evening length installation piece Drifting Awake was premiered at the Chocolate Factory Theater in LIC, NY. Other past performances include deSingel (Antwerp), Improvised and Otherwise (Brooklyn), German Nordwestradio (Bremen), Hallwalls (Buffalo), Music at the Anthology (NYC), Music Gallery (Toronto) and Roulette (NYC). He can be heard on a number of independent record labels; recent releases include Transit (Clean Feed) and MEJA percussion duo with Michael Evans (C3R).

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