1. From a Distance (Borgegård Älgå, Vallgren, Jordansson, Lloyd)
2. Oumuamua (Borgegård Älgå, Vallgren, Jordansson, Ullén)
3. Passing Through... (Borgegård Älgå, Vallgren, Jordansson, Billström)
4. Entaglement (Borgegård Älgå, Vallgren, Jordansson, Espvall)
Daniel Borgegård Älgå : Bass Clarinet, Flute and Live Sampling
Leif Jordansson: Electric and Acoustic Guitar
Pelle Vallgren: Drums
Track 1 - Mike Lloyd: Trumpet, Track 2 - Lisa Ullén: Electric Piano, Track 3 - Niklas Billström: Double Bass, Track 4 - Helena Espvall: Cello