rumeur [for solo accordion]|cs010
Costa Monteiro, a prima vista, si presenta sotto ai riflettori come un
perfetto sconosciuto. Ma, affrontata una ricerca attenta, vengono a galla
diversi aspetti che invitano a soffermarsi sull'estroso modus operandi
del fisarmonicista. Lo strumento principale si fa apprezzare per un approccio
con l'esterno totalmente libero e disincantato. It
looks like an unassuming parenthesis, right? But it is one of the most
important parentheses you’re ever likely to stumble upon. Listening
to «Rumeur», you couldn’t possibly guess the music originates
from an accordion. Alfredo Costa Monteiro is a madman. Of all the experimental
accordionists out there (granted, there aren’t that many), he is
the only one who has blown the tradition to smithereens and assembled
his own musical vocabulary from scratch. The five pieces included on this
short (39 minutes) solo debut are all extremely puzzling, fascinating
and occasionally (for most ears -- constantly) unpleasant. No explanations
are given as to the techniques or equipment used, but the minimal artwork
(a handful of accordion buttons thrown on a table) suggests that Monteiro
doesn’t hesitate to take his instrument apart. Tracks 1, 3 and 5
sound like the artist is brushing a microphone against the reed grid of
the instrument, producing a gritty, cavernous texture. It is probably
more complicated than that, as each track has its own (if limited) sound
palette. Track 4 features unexplainable and painful squeaks akin to a
child playing the violin while applying way too much pressure on the bow.
Track 2 is a delightful soundscape of rapid-flapping. Here the asmathic
accordion plays a chord and is recognizable for what it is. When improvising
with others, Monteiro sounds mysterious, his contribution often so strange
it is hard to pinpoint among other improvisers also working within noise-based
approaches. This solo CD clarifies nothing (to this reviewer’s delight),
except that Monteiro has drastically redefined accordion playing the same
way Axel Dörner did for the trumpet or Annette Krebs for the guitar.
François Couture (All Music Guide) A
solo accordion cd. Not the Guy Klucevsek kind of thing. Monteiro choses
for a totally different and far more radical approach of the instrument.
In some pieces it is - for me - almost impossible to recognize the accordion.
I suppose some treatment was done, although the information doesn't tell.
In the case of track 4 I'm almost sure some string instrument is involved,
but again nothing of the like is indicated. «Rumeur» is subtitled
'for solo accordion', so I will stick to that. Just an accordion. Should I believe this after listening to «Rumeur»? Here's the first track, sounding like a microphone stuck in a room full of industrial mosquitos biting you to death before you realize there's no insect powder around. After this, a cross between a triturated Steve Reich and an old coughing engine takes control, making feel you pretty uneasy; beautiful indeed and very hypnotic. The third segment is similar to a perforated lung trying to imitate the noise of cars passing at night on a freeway, listened with covered and uncovered ears with cupped hands - this goes on until a crackling, bottom-end "trouble" arrives and transforms everything into the broken roar of a perplexed lion drowning in a lake. New track, more dissonance...and I could swear that I heard contrasting shards of rubbing arcos upon strings disintegrated by a corrosive process; high-volume/headphones habituees, beware your hearing. The last seven minutes fuse someone ice-skating on a frying pan while discarding and chewing a chocolate snack. All of the above is great one-instrument concrete music that will cause Richard Galliano undergoing therapy against nightmares. It's only an accordion, but I like it! Massimo Ricci (Touching Extremes) Metade dos Cremaster (o seu projecto electrónico com Ferran Fages) e um dos ângulos, o de topo, do triângulo I Treni Inerti (os outros são ocupados pelos trompetistas Matt Davis e Ruth Barberán), o português radicado em Barcelona Alfredo Costa Monteiro tem aqui o seu primeiro álbum a solo com um acordeão. Acordeão, escrevi eu? Sim, pelo que é anunciado na ficha técnica do disco, embora nunca tal nos pareça - ou quase. Ouvimos os foles e o ar que circula, mas nenhuma nota denuncia com toda a evidência a sua identidade, pelo simples facto de que não são tocadas notas convencionais. Como, aliás, faz com a guitarra eléctrica, Costa Monteiro tem uma abordagem concretista do instrumento que aprendeu na juventude. Não há fraseados melódicos, nem harmonia (mas muito poderíamos dizer sobre a prática do contraponto, ainda que transfigurado) e o ritmo tem a medida, incerta, da simples pulsação. O que é costume ouvirmos na electrónica mais experimental, o autor deste «Rumeurs» faz com um instrumento acústico. E com um léxico de sons extraordinariamente rico e que parece infindável, no seguimento das ideias do futurismo e de Cage de que todo e qualquer ruído é musicalmente utilizável. Trata-se de “noise music”, então, mas totalmente “unpluged” - isso, se exceptuarmos a utilização de microfones, e a verdade é que a acção amplificadora destes é fundamental, ao registarem os mais pequenos pormenores. Rui Eduardo Paes (JL) Come Alfredo Costa Monteiro arrivi a produrre certi suoni a partire dal suo accordion non risulta chiaro al semplice ascolto. Ovviamente dietro a «Rumeur» (for solo accordion) ci sono una serie di trattamenti che trasformano il suo strumento in una sorprendente (laddove infernale) macchina produttrice di rumori. Ma è nell'uso libero da sequencer che troviamo l'anima migliore di questo lavoro come nel caso dello splendido ostinato in trentaduesimi della seconda traccia (9:30 minuti), qui fotografato in una breve istantanea all'interno della sezione audio. Poco da dire in merito alla precisione e ai bicipiti del fisarmonicista… Altrove rombi, gorgoglii e suoni cavernosi ci allontanano definitivamente dall'immagine, anche quella meno stereotipata, della fisarmonica contemporanea. Anche questo è un obiettivo e, in questo caso, è pienamente raggiunto. Michele Coralli (Altremusiche) Alfredo
Costa Monteiro è musicista assai attivo nell'ambito della nuova
scena portoghese di musica d'improvvisazione, categoria alquanto labile
che definisce un vasto orizzonte d'esperienze, a comprendere musica colta
e free jazz, elettroacustica ed elaborazioni più propriamente digitali,
spaziando così a tutto campo fra le differenti aree della sperimentazione
d'avanguardia. E' proprio la Creative Sources l'etichetta attorno alla
quale si focalizzano gran parte di queste energie e che bene si presta
a dar voce al fisarmonicista-autore, attento alle ultime tendenze, al
suo primo lavoro come solista, in una produzione che trasmuta le tecniche
più tradizionali The monotonous sounds and kitsch repertoire with which the accordion is stereotypically associated have doubtless convinced many that Ambrose Bierce was right to define it as "an instrument in harmony with the sentiments of an assassin". Alfredo Costa Monteiro's remarkable solo CD may not serve to rescue the instrument from the opprobrium into which it has fallen, but what it does demonstrate is how this nineteenth century combination of expandable bellows, reeds and keyboard can be used to create vibrantly contemporary music at the start of the twenty-first century. Only one of the five tracks contains even the smallest remnant of the accordion's conventional sound. In its place, Monteiro produces a range of flushing, grinding, sliding and hissing noises, deftly incorporated into what are often mutating patterns of unstable rhythms and complex textures. Like me, you may be left wondering how most of the sounds heard on this CD can possibly be teased from an accordion, but ultimately it is the fascinating unfoldings of Monteiro's rich musical imagination that command attention.«Rumeur» is a excellent release that deserve a wide hearing. Wayne Spencer (Paris Transatlantic) Costa
Monteiro, guitarrista, electrónico o acordeonista, improvisador
de origen portugues afincado en Barcelona (donde forma parte del triunvirato
IBA –Improvisadores de Barcelona Asociados- junto a Ferran Fages
–guitarra, electrónica y responsable del sonido de esta grabación-
y Ruth Barberan –trompeta-). Además de en diversas combinaciones
con estos y otros improvisadores ya se nos había presentado (discograficamente)
a solo, improvisando/creando con gomas elásticas o papel. Ahora
le toca el turno “con su instrumento”. More
unlikely instruments than the keyboard accordion for solo improvisations
would be hard to find. Which is probably why Barcelona-based accordionist
Alfredo Costa Monteiro decided to make this CD. His
solo accordion disc, “Rumeur”, also confounds expectations
somewhat. That is, expectations derived from years of listening to relatively
quiet improv. The opening track is quite aggressive, an apian swarm that
I daresay few would be able to source as having been generated via accordion.
The second cut (all pieces are titled by a series of dots) is substantially
more squeeze-boxish and, in fact, sounds like something you might hear
from Guy Klucevsek, churning out percussive puffs from the bass register,
chugging along in strict mechanical rhythm like a creaky, steam-generated
engine. The third’s a rough and tumble, very enjoyable freefall
through various bangs and wheezes of the instrument while the fourth enters
an area of high, microtonal keening that’s quite abrasive. In a
good way. Monteiro closes with a fine selection of accordional detritus,
the squishy, crunching tableau summoned from somewhere within the instrument’s
bowels. Fine, gritty stuff. Alfredo
Costa Monteiro urodzil sie w Portugalii, lecz od przeszlo dziesieciu lat,
czyli od momentu ukonczenia studiów w paryskiej Akademii Sztuk
Pieknych, zyje i pracuje w Barcelonie. Muzyka improwizowana zajal sie
w polowie lat 90. ubieglego stulecia i od tej pory wspólpracuje
zarówno z muzykami, jak i z artystami z kregu sztuk pieknych. Jest
czlonkiem formacji stricte muzycznych Cremaster i i treni inerti oraz
kolektywu 22a, zajmujacego sie sztuka wspólczesna. Jest równiez
wspólorganizatorem miedzynarodowego festiwalu muzyki improwizowanej
IMPROVISA, odbywajacego sie w Barcelonie. Qui saurait dire a l'écoute seule qu'on entend là un accordéon? Monteiro possède d'immenses oreilles: que ceux qui ont lu Kerouac se souviennent de sa capacité à entendre et retranscrire les parlers. Le rapport avec l'écrivain Beat ne s'arrête pas là puisque cette musique toute de bruit a un pouvoir d'évocation et d'émotion étonnant, elle nous parle véritablement. Monteiro organise sa musique en couches multiples et mouvantes qui en font une sorte de kaléidoscope. Chaque morceau est une étude pour un son fondamental, souvent laid, auquel Monteiro donne une variété de visages étonnants, avec un sens parfait du tempo, ou plutôt de la mise en scène. Noël Tachet (Improjazz)