a cavall entre dos cavalls|cs019
[…] On a total opposite we find the solo disc by guitar player Ferran Fages, one of the leading Spanish improvisers. He plays electric guitar here and has fifteen (although the covers gives thirteen titles) pieces of subdued playing. Strumming notes and chords in very short pieces, almost like sketches. Fages pays tribute I think to Mazzacane Connors in his open, spacious sounds. Desolate road music, strongely melancholic, and chilling to the bone. Almost un-improvised, I'd say. Frans de Waard (Vital Weekly) The
Catalan guitarist Ferran Fages was introduced to avant-garde audiences
by Ernesto Rodrigues’ reputed Creative Sources label. This record is pretty unusual for Fages; those who know him as a noise priest with Cremaster will have a hard time recognizing his hand in these segments, played on a guitar without effects, with just a naked "string-and-finger" approach to a slow meditation. Devoid of any trick, just left there like an immobile stone, these 33 minutes show Ferran in intimate settings studying combinations of resonant strums and humming bass, slight detunings and detached calm. Everything is left as played, including uncertainties and crackles, so that the whole work sounds austere and sombre throughout. Standing halfway through the quietest work by Noel Akchoté and Loren Connors, it's likely one will appreciate "A cavall entre dos cavalls" more and more through repeated listenings; I suggest doing it through speakers more than headphones, as the peculiar mixtures of frequencies are better helped by objects and walls refracting them. Massimo Ricci (Touching Extremes) Guitar-driven popular music has served as one of the principal means by which contemporary capitalism has seduced youthful and other consumers into associating their desires, dreams and rebellions with the narrow and conventional products of the system of commodity replication. As each year passes, the inanities of popular music, hopelessly ensnared in the world of corporate power and the delusions of tawdry stardom, increasingly saturate the soundscapes of the planet, forming an ever-more ubiquitous system of ideas, images, affects and actions for the enchantment of the febrile but conformist products of the hedonistic stage of late capitalism. Along the way, the scant resources of rock and pop’s myopic musical vision, ruthlessly depleted by endless minor variations and pseudo-innovations within the iron cage of its stupefying backbeat, have come to resemble an exhausted prison rock face compulsively quarried by a weary band of drugged convicts half in love with the rattling of their rusted chains. If the electric guitar is to emerge from this state of historical aesthetic crisis and distance itself from its degraded position as dealer for narcotic capitalism, the most radical of action would seem to be required. Unfortunately, A Cavall entre dos Cavalls, a solo album of parsimonious but generally quite conventional compositions by Ferran Fages, a self-taught Spanish guitarist perhaps best know for his membership of the group Cremaster, doesn't take us far towards that goal. This is not to deny that, when viewed from within popular music’s reigning aesthetics, there is a muted elegance in the insidious slow drip and decay of Fages’ spare sequences of notes and chords – indeed the album should be keenly sought by admirers of, say, John Fahey and Jack Rose who are open to work that is more austere and less strongly flavoured with folk and blues idioms, as well as anyone who enjoys the early work of Taku Sugimoto – but surely it is not unreasonable to expect much more than this at the start of the 21st century. Wayne Spencer (Paris Transatlantic) About
a year ago, I first reviewed a Creative Sources disc for Dusted and noted
that improvised music would be nothing without local scenes and the labels
dedicated to documenting them. That’s still true. But when people
start to take notice, the next level is the formation of links with other
scenes. The Lisbon-based label – run by Ernesto Rodrigues, an excellent
improviser who plays on some of the label’s releases – has
made that next step. Along with labels like Erstwhile, For4Ears, Confront,
Meniscus, and Potlatch, this imprint is documenting some of the finest
“lowercase” improvisation around and has become a label with
a strong track record and a global focus. Their release schedule has really
picked up of late too. In fact, they’ve just dropped a quintet of
recordings featuring a fairly broad array of European improvisers. Many
readers won’t be too familiar with the majority of the players.
That deserves to change. Dilatazione:
ma non fino a certe rarefazioni che espandono corpuscoli di suono nell'aria
fino a farne atomi sulle cui origini sbandate ci si interroga, bensì
fino a un livello di espansione del tempo e delle dinamiche che segue
immaginarie indicazioni di supposte partiture che dicono "con assoluta
indifferenza" o "senza curarsi del tempo che ci invecchia".
Ferran Fages trasferisce su chitarra elettrica molte di quelle indifferenze
esistenziali che anche compositori ben più complessi come Morton
Feldman filtravano nelle pagine delle loro infinite composizioni. Zdjecia,
zamieszczone na okladce plyty "A cavall entre dos cavalls", Quando um determinado músico ou artista sonoro nos habitua a uma sonoridade e a um tipo de investimento muito específicos, é natural o desconcerto quando nos oferece algo de muito distinto. Foi o que aconteceu com «A Cavall entre dos Cavalls», mal recebido nos mesmos meios que aplaudem as incursões mais radicais do catalão Ferran Fages. A reacção é compreensiva, ainda que, na opinião deste crítico, seja injusta, pois assim está-se a castigar o que devia ser o mais elementar direito de todo e qualquer criador: a pluralidade das orientações. Fages tem-se dado a conhecer aos comandos de uma mesa de mistura sem “input”, à semelhança de Toshimaru Nakamura, e do que chama de “gira-discos acústico”, pelo facto de funcionar apenas com a amplificação do “pickup”. Desconhecem muitos dos seus ouvintes que ele é, sobretudo, um guitarrista, e é precisamente com a guitarra eléctrica que surge naquele disco, inserido num mundo sonoro (e neste caso declaradamente “musical”) bem distante do fragmentarismo extremo, da abordagem textural por microtons e do “near silence” bruitista a que nos habituou. Num misto de Loren Mazzacane Connors e Oren Ambarchi, ou seja, entre o folk/blues deturpado do primeiro, tocado directamente com os dedos e dispensando pedais de efeitos, e o sentido atmosférico, elegante e depurado do segundo, «A Cavall...» demonstra que o membro do projecto Cremaster também tem algo a dizer nos domínios da melodia e do trabalho harmónico. Que não necessariamente de forma convencional. As suas melodias, aliás, são quebradas, incompletas e apenas alusivas, no sentido de que são mais implícitas do que explícitas. Seja como for, este título é uma ilha no meio dos seus muitos investimentos “noise”, até por incluir peças compostas, quando o que geralmente faz é improvisado. Rui Eduardo Paes (JL) Thanks
to the efforts of the Portuguese Creative Sources label and a handful
of others, a fertile improvisation scene in Spain and Portugal is starting
to get some visibility. Putting out releases at a phenomenal rate, Creative
Sources is documenting the impressive output of musicians like label-founder
Ernesto Rodrigues, Ruth Barberán, Margarida Garcia, Alfredo Costa
Monteiro, Manuel Mota, and Ferran Fages . Multi-instrumentalist Fages
has been a key member of the Barcelona scene, most notably as part of
a trio with Barberán and Costa Monteiro and as part of the duo
Cremaster. In those contexts he has stuck to electronics, no-input mixing
board, and “acoustic turntable”. But he began as a guitarist,
and he sticks to effects-free electric guitar for his solo recording debut. L’etichetta
portoghese Creative Sources sta attraversando un momento particolarmente
felice, lo testimoniano le numerose pubblicazioni di recente data, quasi
tutte su ottimi livelli qualitativi. Ecco qua, dopo “Pocket Progressive”
del trio fhievel, Sigurtà & Rocchetti già recensito
su queste pagine, tre nuovi lavori in grado di soddisfare gli appassionati. […]
Ferran Fages de son côté abandonne tout son attirail d’effets
et de platine tourne-disques avec lequel il parcourt depuis peu les scenes
européennes au sein de diverses formations (le duo Creamaster,
son trio avec Jean-Philippe Gross et Will Guthrie…). Dans ce solo, Ferran Fages utilise la guitare électrique sans pédale ni aucune sorte de manipulation du son, à la manière d'une guitare classique, pour le volume et la durée des sons qu'elle permet. Il compose avec le silence, l'opposition des registres graves et aigus, la légèreté des harmoniques et le gras des cordes basses amplifiées, quelques beaux accords, la variation des sonorités selon la distance de la main au chevalet et la manière dont le doigt touche la corde. Tout cela entretien, avec un vocabulaire harmonique intrigant et un sens mélodique réduit, une sorte de suspens. Les petites phrases de Ferran Fages ont le bon goût de n'évoquer rien ni personne, de ne se refermer sur rien. Il les articule entre elles au gré d'un excellent sens rythmique plastique: que remplir? comment? jusqu'à quel point? L'espace musical de ses courtes compositions en devient pulsatile et vibrant. Noël Tachet (Improjazz) |