aspirations & inspirations |cs026
less than six new releases on the Creative Sources label, placing the
label right in the centre of improvised music. Wade
Matthews jest improwizatorem, kompozytorem i teoretykiem muzyki. Ten Amerykanin,
urodzony piecdziesiat lat temu we Francji, od wielu lat zwiazal swoje
zycie i aktywnosc muzyczna z Europa. Inspirare ed espirare, questo il suono primordiale della vita, se è vero che la prima voce che emettiamo quando veniamo in questo mondo è proprio quella del respiro su cui prende forma il pianto. E queste improvvisazioni in solo per clarinetto basso e flauto non trovano altri spiragli sonori che non quelli dettati dall'incanalamento dell'aria nei corpi cavi degli strumenti: non una nota, non una frequenza estranea al biancore dell'onda simile al rumore. L'unico stratagemma "produttivo" di Matthews è quello di un'organizzazione multifonica dei microfoni che determina una maggiore spazialità della sorgente. Per il resto, solo respiri in un ritorno alla musica fetale, proto-mentale, neo-embrionale. Da processare sui pancioni delle donne incinte... Michele Coralli (Altremusiche) The first word that comes to mind is "attack", even if this nightmarish volley of grenades lobbed our way by Wade Matthews turns out to be, as he explains in the booklet, an intricate circuit of unimaginable pipe dreams that materialize incredibly right in our ear holes. Close miking guarantees fantastic detail in every perceivable nuance of Matthews' bass clarinet and alto flute, generating mesmerizing patterns of circular breathing and percussive tongue clucking that sound like a one-man shamanic tabla / flute duo. Extended techniques raise the curtain on an otherwise invisible world of gremlins and gizmos dancing through a forest of unfathomable harmonics. Horse-like whinnies and tiny shards of regular timbre spring out of the alembics every once in a while to remind us we're not listening to some deranged plumbing system, while growling mixtures of voice and venomous insufflations will have you wondering what possible use there is for the synthesizer anymore. Matthews is an artist whose palette contains so many colours that describing it as "kaleidoscopic" sounds almost offensive. Massimo Ricci (Paris Transatlantic) I'm
continually surprised at the rate with which Ernesto Rodrigues releases
discs on his superb Creative Sources imprint. As most folks reading this
know, the excellent viola/violin/electronics improviser began to document
Portuguese and Spanish improvisation several years back and has quickly
developed his label into one of the premier outlets for improvisation
at the intersection of European free music, electroacoustics, and new
music. I recently opened up my mailbox to find a package stuffed with
seven of the label's latest goodies. All told, it's a strong batch. Radicado em Espanha e aí com uma intensa actividade de divulgação das modalidades improvisacionais de ponta, este americano nascido em França aplica em dois instrumentos que pouco têm sido envolvidos nas actuais ultrapassagens dos determinismos históricos convencionados para os sopros, o clarinete baixo e a flauta alto, aquilo que vamos escutando de deflagradores sonoros como Stéphane Rives, Michel Doneda, Martin Küchen, Michael Thieke ou Alessandro Bosetti. “Deflagradores”, disse, não porque explodem com as gramáticas musicais, mas porque as implodem, optando por um desconstrucionismo discursivo que já nada tem a ver com o modelo narrativo aplicado na música e que é mais característico da electrónica do que de expressões acústicas como esta. Respirações amplificadas e transformadas, é o que ouvimos em “Aspirations and Inspirations”, com a rugosidade própria do instrumento que Eric Dolphy libertou da menorização sinfónica a que estava submetido (o clarinete baixo, bem entendido) e a presença oxigenada e aberta daquele que terá sido um dos primeiros utensílios de uso musical construídos pelo ser humano (a flauta). Não é por acaso, aliás, que reconhecemos algo de primordial nestas improvisações, algo que permanece em estado selvagem e que não dispõe de códigos e tabelas definidoras. Estão aqui invocadas as raízes primeiras do fazer musical, e se Wade Matthews parece não ter especiais afinidades com a escola reducionista, apesar de percorrer os mesmos caminhos, e isso porque é mais sequencial e argumentativo do que as frentes “near silence” de Berlim e Tóquio, tanto melhor. A individualidade criativa vale mais do que quaisquer correntes estéticas organizadas. Rui Eduardo Paes (JL) […] Les Aspirations and Inspirations solo improvisations 2002/2004 (CS 026 cd) du clarinettiste et flûtiste Wade Matthews sont l'objet, tout comme pour Etwa, d'une réelle réflexion sur la méthode et la technique d'enregistrement. Je traduis les notes de pochette du cd de Matthews : Toutes les pièces on été enregistrées telles quelles, le micro rapproché et sans overdubbing. Les enregistrements de Madrid ont été faits avec une paire stéréo, alors que les enregistrements d'Albi (4,8 et 9) utilisaient plusieurs microphones installés au travers du spectre stéréo. Avec pour résultat que les sons provenant de différentes parties de l'instrument sont entendus d'endroits différents, apportant ainsi un mouvement considérable à la musique. Si Etwa participe de cette esthétique radicale et faussement minimalisante et Stefan Keune est un rejeton pointilliste du free à l'européenne , Wade Matthews semble se jouer des écoles. Il nous offre de très beaux sons, une très belle approche qui, en ce qui me concerne, est un délice pour les oreilles. […] Jean-Michel Van Schouwburg (Improjazz) […]
French-born, American improviser Wade Matthews’ reed realization
is perpendicular to those from the soprano saxophonists and not just because
he plays flute and bass clarinet on his CD. Madrid-based and co-director
of a Spanish improvised music collective, Matthews has a doctorate in
composition and electronic music and his close-miked improvisations bring
into play compositional ploys and acoustical textural replication that
could also be a achieved by activated sine waves. A vital disc collecting close-miked solo recordings from 2002 and 2004 on bass clarinet and alto flute by Wade Matthews, a virtuosic improv veteran who's been integral to the creative music scene in Spain for many years. The recording techniques allow Matthews to explicitly focus on the breath sounds that are traditionally suppressed by wind instrumentalists, in alignment with the recent lowercase movement defined by emphasis on overlooked sonic details. Shadows of conventional tones share the foreground with the sounds of mouth on mouthpiece and fingers on keys, creating three layers of distinct timbres. "Ice Palace" is an especially beautiful example with its gentle irregular cycles of key pops and wire-thin long tones revealing the essence of the flute as a source of delicate timbral marginalia unattainable by saxophones and trumpets, the instruments more commonly mined for lowercase acoustic improv. While there are a few generous passages of sparse and soft air massages, Matthews' primary aesthetic is familiar busy playing in the tradition of Parker, Braxton, etc, accounting for both the disc's rare weak spot of empty virtuosity and the disc's many dizzying passages of timbral and rhythmic jump-cuts. While the action-packed phrasal motion may be familiar, it's a rare thrill to hear it conveyed almost exclusively in this barely charted timbral territory. Most dizzying are the three tracks recorded by Laurent Sassi using "multiple mics panned across the stereo spectrum" (see Mark Dresser's recent solo masterpiece Unveil for a contrabass analogue), sounding at times like an overdubbed assortment of field recordings of root canals in a dentist's office inhabited by vociferous dogs. The thrills even extend to illusions of digitally-damaged electronica with sharp packets of aliens sounds in awkward rhythmic arrangements. While the increasingly dominant role of electrically-dependent devices in musical creation should be celebrated, it's folks like Matthews who point the way towards a future in which electricity can be limited to microphones to tap the unrealized potential of acoustic instruments as fruitfully as it can be applied to laptops and other intrinsically electric devices. At the same time, he's typical of folks who split their effort between these two courses and I'm told his recent disc of solo electronic music on Sillon is a winner too. Michael Anton Parker (Downtown Music Gallery) O
dispositivo pelo qual Wade Matthews optou em Aspirations and Inspirations,
conjunto de improvisações a solo realizadas entre os anos
de 2002 e 2004, favorece a utilização do silêncio
e a atenção ao detalhe na exploração das possibilidades
técnicas e emocionais do clarinete baixo e da flauta alto. Na base,
estão os dois primeiros actos que todos praticamos, inspirar e
expirar, o que imediatamente nos remete para matérias relacionadas
com o sopro vital. E tudo se passa como se a vida se suspendesse entre
cada fase e de imediato regressasse à plenitude pela via do som. „...when we create music with breath, we have no reason at all to hide its nature.“ Der Bassklarinettist & Altoflötist WADE MATHEWS, 1955 im französischen La Chapelle St. Mesmin geboren, hat sich gründlich Gedanken gemacht über die Rolle des Atems in der Musik, seine Selbstverständlichkeit in der Shakuhachitradition und der Musik Westafrikas, Indiens und des Iran und wie sehr die bürgerliche Kunstmusik des Westens Atemgeräusche beim Spielen verpönt hat. Matthews hat sich daher in eine Richtung bewegt, die dagegen angeht. Wesentlich dabei wurden seine Erfahrungen im Duo mit Phil Durrant und die Praxis seiner Trios WSPS & Zyklus, kollegiale Grüße richtet er an Gesinnungsverwandte wie John Butcher und Xavier Charles. Auf Aspirations and Inspirations (CS 026) zeigt er seine Atem- & Klangkunst in 9 Soloimprovisationen. Dabei kommt alles vor, was der pneumatische Idealismus der Akademie sich verbietet, Spuckeschlürfen, Schmatzen, Gurgeln, Keuchen, Stimmhaftigkeit, Plops und Gezische, ein perkussiv eingesetztes Klappern der Ventile. Durch diese menschlich-allzumenschlichen Aspekte eines Musizierens, das sich ethnisch-folkloristische Fülle wieder anzueignen versucht, erreicht Matthews aber allenfalls eine paradoxe Metaebene. Das Bierzelt-‘Volk‘ würde ihn für seine Mätzchen lynchen. Die Minorität, die für ihn ein Ohr hat, hält kunstverständig den Atem an, um seine konzentrierte Virtuosität nicht zu stören. (Bad Alchemy) |