the wheel |cs113
This duo from Novara joins a couple of complementary musicians involved in sound art and experimental music, as you can easily guess from the inside notes of this cd, they’re also involved in sonorizations. You may remember them for their past participation to the Pocket Progressive experience where Claudio Rocchetti was the third part of the triumvirate, you will find some similarities but in general the project is a little bit different. While generally Sigurtà tends to be more rough and Fhievel is probably the one of the few purest “minimal electronics” exponents hailing from Italy, during the composition of this work they converged trying to resuscitate the voice of the old machines they found inside the factory “Fabbrica della ruota” of Prey and simultaneously they accomplished the result to give it all an oniric dimension. The target has been hit and the outcome is brilliant since for the whole recording you’ve the impression the audio work is part of a soundtrack and in some way their modus operandi related to the process of sonirization is quite classic. The sound definition is wonderful and natural reverbs paint the audio trip of a spectral atmosphere, the sharpness of some sounds (Fhievel?) ties the knot with some grey, dronical cluds (Sigurtà?), they didn’t pierce silence but they’ve been flirting with it constantly which means there’s no “tension building” or “waiting game”, but it’s enveloped all around most of the sounds “happening” during the trip. Considering this whole recording concerns “the factory and its voice – sounds and textures of the textile industry” it’s not heavy at all, it has been probably designed to be accessible to a big range of people therefore forget those hyper-intellectualized works by this or that “sound artist wonna be”. “Simple” doesn’t mean “naïve” and I’m still quite surprised by the great sound effect they managed to create for what concerns sound definition, sure you’ve to considered you won’t hear all the machine “speaking” at the same time as an Orchestra (Russolo can feel safe wherever he rests) but every ghost is there to remember when the worker will die we’ll hear his voice thru that of the machine he’s been working with for a whole life…”part animal, part machine” for the last time..forever. Andrea Ferraris (Chain DLK) A ideia, além de meta-musicalmente interessante, resultou bem. “A fábrica e a sua voz – texturas sonoras da indústria têxtil”. Ou uma via de estudo da arqueologia industrial do Séc. XIX numa perspectiva sonora, pesquisada através do ambiente original de uma fábrica de lanifícios oitocentista movida a energia hidráulica, segundo processos industriais em uso numa época anterior à da máquina a vapor, ambiente transportado a este tempo de tecnologia electrónica, com duas revoluções industriais de permeio. A exposição/instalação sonora, constituída por quatro peças (Wheel Room; Weaving; Work Canteen; e Cardroom), foi montada in loco na Fabbrica della Ruota di Pray, em Itália, ao cabo de meses de investigação no interior do edifício, gravações, produção e pós-produção. Trabalho de fhievel (Luca Bergero) e Luca Sigurtà, dois artistas da sonorização, sonoplastia e experimentalismo musical, originários de Biella, e ligados às correntes do minimalismo electrónico. Juntos, com Claudio Rocchetti, já haviam publicado Pocket Progressive na mesma Creative Sources Recordings (cs024), em 2005, noutro tipo de contexto e com propósitos muito diferentes, mais ligados à improvisação electroacústica. O que Bergero e Sigurtà pretenderam com The Wheel (cs113), foi trazer de volta a voz das máquinas há muito emudecidas, voz distante apresentada tal como se nos aparecesse em sonhos, filtrada, manipulada, distorcida, porém reconhecível como pertencente a um tempo e a um espaço conhecidos, mas projectada numa dimensão espectral e fantasmagórica inteiramente nova, acentuada pela vastidão do espaço natural que lhe era próprio. Durante semanas a dupla cirandou pela vastidão reverberante das salas da velha Fábrica da Roda, instalando microfones, cabos, computadores, material electrónico diverso, pondo em funcionamento canais de água, a grande roda e seu desdobramento noutras rodas dentadas, elevadores, carris, rotativas, correias de transmissão, engenhos vários, sem-fins, veios e teares, ao mesmo tempo que gizavam um plano para memória futura de uma paisagem sonora situada num tempo remoto, a que não faltam as vozes das centenas de homens que lá trabalharam, porque as podemos imaginar. Eduardo Chagas (Jazz e Arredores) (...) Podazajac dalej w kierunku elektroakustycznego kranca katalogu wytwórni, natkniemy sie na "The Wheel" (CS 113) duetu Fhievel, Luca Sugurta. Dwójka Wlochów smialo kroczy po cienkich linach rozpietych pomiedzy stromymi urwiskami nagran terenowych, muzyki konkretnej oraz kontrolowanej improwizacji. Odglosy pracy na chwile tylko uruchomionych urzadzen, zarejestrowane w opustoszalych pomieszczeniach od dawna nieczynnego zakladu wlókienniczego Fabbrica Della Ruota staja sie tworzywem, z którego Luca Bergero (czyli Fhievel) i Luca Sigurta tkaja szorstka materie atonalnych konstruktów dzwiekowych - trudno tu mówic o utworach w sensie muzycznym, raczej o próbie (udanej !) pochwycenia i wypalenia na plycie genius loci. "The Wheel" to raport z onirycznego swiata na wpól umarlych maszyn zachwycajacy nieoczywistym pieknem industrialnych brzmien. (...) Tadeusz Kosiek (Diapazon) This
album comprises the fundamental elements of an exhibition named “La
fabbrica e la sua voce” (The factory and its voice) held in 2007
in Pray, where the only Italian specimen of industrial unit alimented
by a non-electric transmission of power is carefully preserved by the
local authorities. Luca Bergero/Fhievel and Luca Sigurtà (respectively,
an engineer in electronics who started trafficking in experimental music
in 2000 and a soundscaper active since the second half of the 90s and
who refers about a “passion for found sounds” in his biographic
notes) assembled the “inside voices” of the plant, capturing
a bit of the soul of this ancient building through an accurate work of
location recording that included four environments of the edifice, each
set for the carrying out of different tasks in the erstwhile productive
course of action. Eccellente documento sonoro, concepito da Luca Bergero/Fhievel e Luca Sigurtà per la mostra sonora "La fabbrica e la sua voce - trame sonore dell'industria tessile", realizzato utilizzando registrazioni microfoniche effettuate all'interno della "Fabbrica della ruota" (ex Lanificio Zignone) di Pray, uno dei più significativi esempi di archeologia industriale del Biellese. Articolato in quattro tracce, rappresentanti quattro diverse "zone sonore" (sala della ruota, tessitura, mensa operaia e carderia), il CD è costituito di una vasta gamma di rumori/suoni registrati nei medesimi ambienti, interagendo in vario modo con macchinari, attrezzature e strutture, e cercando di catturarne la "voce", l'essenza sonora, le vibrazioni... Assolutamente sorprendente la qualità delle registrazioni, caratterizzate da una straordinaria nitidezza sulle frequenze medie e alte, da drones e frequenze basse calde e profonde, da una eccezionale gamma dinamica, nonchè da una resa panoramica di grande impatto e notevole tridimensionalità. Un lavoro davvero di grande pregio e grande intensità, soprattutto considerando che spesso a interessanti idee di tipo prettamente concettuale, quali installazioni sonore e simili, non corrisponde poi, alla prova dei fatti, un altrettanto interessante risultato e una corrispettiva piacevolezza d'ascolto quando la medesima esperienza viene estrapolata dal suo contesto originale e "trasportata" su "normale" CD audio da fruire in momenti, ambienti, situazioni e condizioni assolutamente diverse. Elegante il booklet, in bianco e nero e composto da sedici pagine, ricco di note e suggestive fotografie scattate nei medesimi ambienti. CD sicuramente consigliato, ovviamente soprattutto a chi, negli ascolti, non senta comunque la necessità di qualche elemento musicale/melodico, in questo caso del tutto assenti, se si eccettuano alcuni suoni dilatati e armonici di origine evidentemente metallica (vagamente simili al suono di ciotole tibetane strofinate) presenti nella prima traccia del CD. Giuseppe Verticchio (Oltreilsuono) Luca Bergero (Fhievel) and Luca Sigurta are two sound creators and artist-searchers specialised in minimalism sound sculptures focused on polytonal’s physical characteristics. This last Fhievel’s offering in collaboration with Luca Sigurta reveals an astonishing and complex orchestration of collages, micro-events, treated concrete sounds and omnious, sustained electronic textures. Their ability to create cinematic soundscapes reminds me academic researches published by modern classical artists (Alvin Lucier, Iannis Xenakis, Tod Dockstader...) and notably by inovative works made by the GRM (electro-acoustic excursions and scientific explorations on sound structures). The first piece is a sonic, rigorous minimalist piece with dreamy-like droning vibes, featuring a few micro accidents (taken from various sources). The next composition is a much more conceptual, paradigmatic piece paying attention to a serie of coherent concrete sounds mixed together in order to create an intense progression in tones, colours and motifs. It seems to be a vast genaology of sounds floating in deep space. The third composition follows the same path, injecting new sound captures. The last piece is an other burgeonning “concrete” orchestration whose sensations came from the choice and the combination of frequency, intensity and duration. The two composers continously select sound waves with carefulness and explore with precision the psychological-physical reactions to sensation-sound- form. They develop their ideas into a complex chain of visual, auditory associations. To summarize the wheel is a very pleasant listening, delivering quite immersive, profound environmental soundscapes. Philippe Blache (Progarchives)