I liked the cover going in and the music didn't disappoint. Entirely new
to me, von Heuman serves up strong electro-acoustic music out of the Raaijmakers
and Koenig tradition (he's managing director at STEIM). I'm not normally
taken with many of the sounds that emanate from ARPs and Korgs but von
Heuman wrings out fresh juices from them here. Oh, it get loopy and blippy
now and then, but still sounds ok. Two long tracks bracket a series of
eight short ones, the latter a soundtrack for the radioplay "No Man's
Land", a portrait of Dust Bowl Oklahoma, an interesting dislocation.
Strong work, happy to have "found" Mr. van Heuman. Brian
Olewnick (Just Outside)
Roberta van Heumena to ciekawy soundtrack inspirowany filmem No Man's
Land, ktory opowiada o czasach kryzysu lat 30. ubieg?ego wieku, szczególnie
dotyczy spo?ec´znos´ci Oklahomy. Film opowiad o Hazelu Lucasie,
który wyemigrowa? do Boise w Cimarron County jako dziecko, w oparciu
o ksiałz˛keł 'The worst hard time' Timothy'ego Egana.
wiekszos´c´ dz´wiełków zaosta?a wyprodukowana
w CEM studio, WORM Rotterdam za pomocał syntezatorów ARP 2500 i
Korg MS-20 oraz Synton stereo EQ.
Zawartos´c´ to pulsujałca muzyka t?a, soundtrack, ale z tych
lepszych, który moz˛e istniec´ jako samodzielna ca?os´c´.
Przemielone wałtki akademickiej awangardy XX wieku, improwizacji czy drone
ambient dzia?aja tu razem bezb?ełdnie.
Najciekawszał stronał moim zdaniem jest tu produkcja, która choc´
sterylna, broni sieł tym, z˛e ca?os´c´ stroni od sztampy ambientalnych
soundscape'ów. Astipalea Records
CD of Dust Bowl-era inspired electroacoustic music from Robert Van Heumen.
Stranger is less striking than Fury, his previous disc for Creative Sources.
Too quiet? Less daring? I’m not sure, but I found this one long
and a tad boring, whereas Fury had me riveted to my seat. I’ll give
it a second, more attentive listen to try to find what’s the matter.
François Couture (Monsieur Délire)
In this new release on the Portuguese imprint
after the excellent Fury, Robert Van Heumen — who normally utilizes
a laptop provided with LiSa and SuperCollider software (live sampling
and real-time audio synthesis respectively) — concocted a string
of soundscapes that leave no room for optimism, showing the nude crudity
of past and present events without hinting for a minute to concepts like
"respite" or "hope".
The title track (a composition reportedly influenced by Albert Camus,
Philip K. Dick, Blade Runner and L.E.J. Brouwer) is presented in separate
translations: the first and longest is a dynamically hyper-charged exploration
of altered sounds deriving from a single source (additional info about
the compositional progression can be found at http://hardhatarea.com/vreemdeling/)
that gets abused, reprocessed and bastardized in every possible manner,
the outcome akin to a brain-pulverizing chain of destructive calamities,
misshapen ambiguity, extraterrestrial jargons and incisive irritations
which leaves us disoriented, unable to accept its hard-to-fathom underlying
logic. The "ambient" adaptation, which closes the program, is
just slightly better edible yet, at the same time, describable as a quite
dissimilar piece where the harsh tonalities of the original are, to some
extent, rendered barely visible, even if the music is not the least disconcerting:
desolation replacing devastation, the overall gloom lingering on, the
impenetrability of the critical significance still a fact.
Amidst the two versions of "Stranger", Van Heumen presents the
soundtrack to "No Man's Land", a film inspired by the tragic
1931-1939 era known as Dust Bowl, when American and Canadian prairies
were plagued by storms transporting the sand into which wrongly cultivated
lands had been reduced, many people's life in tatters as a consequence
of the ensuing economic and ecologic damage. The composer reports that
ARP 2500 and Korg MS-20 analogue synthesizers, together with a Synton
stereo equalizer, form the core of this cycle of rather short episodes,
characterized by self-explanatory titles such as "The Skies That
Brought No Rain, Only Dirt". As fragmentary as the sonic commentary
might result, the ominous atmospheres are informed by a somewhat less
stretchy kind of configuration, rhythmic components accented by uneven
synthetic sequences that diminish both the smell of chaotic hostility
and the threat/evocation ratio.
Unquestionably not a record one wishes to return to on a daily basis,
Stranger in any case represents an intriguing chapter in the output of
a hardly pigeon-hole-able emerging sound artist. There's more than meets
the ears, though it takes persistence to find the combination needed to
enter this obscure area, halfway through the remnants of excruciating
memories and the blurred idea of an uncertain future. Massimo
Ricci (The Squid’s Ear)
Stranger s’inspire
de l’étranger de Camus. On y entend de sourdes et lointaines
déflagrations et Robert Van Heumen procède par de longs
et souterrains uppercuts. Ici, le carcan sonique est flottant et piétiné
par des balayages toujours perçants. Une symphonie déséquilibrée
et souvent titanesque.
No Man’s Land évoque l’exode qui suivit le krach boursier
de 1929. Outre le dispositif électroacoustique de Van Heumen, se
glissent ici et là quelques phrases répétitives surgies
d’un synthétiseur Korg MS-20. Les figures sont contemplatives
et sans ruptures ; des rythmes mécaniques apparaissent par intermittence,
le tout laissant à l’auditeur une impression de torpeur soutenue.
Luc Bouquet (Le Son du Grisli) |