spontan in granit cs557
Bauer studied double bass at the Hochschule für Musik in East Berlin in the former German Democratic Republic. Over the years he worked - as a composer as well as a musician - with many ensembles playing contemporary classical music as wells as improvisation. Both Lyon and Cologne were his home base for a while. Since 1991 he is based again in Berlin, where he worked with David Moss, Chris Cutler, among others. He performed solo works specially composed for him by Georg Katzer, an important composer in the former GDR. He is the brother of Conrad and Johannes Bauer who both were very active in the west in the 80s and 90s. Anyway, nowadays Mathias Bauer works with Berlin-based ensembles like Unitedberlin, Asian Art and Junge Music. With Maria Lucchese (theremin, zither, voice, gongs) he is one half of the duo Alchimia Organica. For 'Spontan in Granit' however he decided to make a solo statement. In 18 short improvisations, he gives way to a diversity of improvised excursions ranging from dynamic to very intimate. He explores different techniques and ideas consequently condensed in a 1 to 3 minutes time span and they are solid miniatures of very expressive and vivid music from an inspired musician. Dietrich Petzold, like Bauer a composer and musician of the German Democratic Republic, recorded the sessions in March 2018. Dolf Mulder (Vital Weekly)
Der Kontrabass, dieser große Gegenstand, eröffnet, gezupft, gestrichen oder auch einmal andersartig ordentlich durchgeknetet, ein weites Feld für Klangerzeugung konventioneller oder unkonventionellerer Art – gerade aber auch jenseits gleichschwebender Temperatur. Matthias Bauer macht auf Spontan in Granit in 18 Solo-Vignetten davon ausführlich Gebrauch, dabei weitgehend in unkonventionelleren Bereichen verweilend. Er bedient sich eines gehörigen spieltechnischen Arsenals, um, einmal heftiger in der Attacke, dann wieder zurückhaltender, eine stets abwechslungsreiche Reise in tieftönende Landschaften zu präsentieren. 18 Mal Kontrabass-Free solo – sowas kann schnell einmal eintönig werden, wird es aber nicht in diesem Fall, ganz im Gegenteil, was Bauers Expertise am Instrument und seiner musikalischen Sensibilität sowie seinem Erfindungsreichtum zu verdanken ist. Interessantes von ganz unten.
Figuratively putting another string in his bow, Matthias Bauer limits himself to the balanced upright accessory plus the four strings of his double bass during these 18 brief intermezzos demonstrating bull fiddle virtuosity without bravado. The veteran Berlin-based improviser, who has over the years partnered with innovative players such as saxophonist Floros Floridis, drummer Baby Sommer and trumpeter Bill Dixon, among many others, easily confirms that he’s cunning and crafty enough to easily go it alone. |